Monday, June 4, 2012

Final week of CHECET

We are nearly done! What a journey...

This week you still have to complete your final reflection on the formative evaluation exercise you had to implement with colleauges or students. See 

And then its time for our last face to face meeting!
In this meeting you will have time to present your prototype and receive final feedback from the course facilitators and your colleagues. We will soon put up a presentation schedule for this workshop.

Looking very much forward to your presentations!

The CHECET team

Reflection 4 ...formative evaluation

How useful did you find the formative evaluation exercise with your colleagues or students that you had to implement last week? What did you learn? What changes could you make to your prototype in the light of the feedback received from peers, your class participants and facilitators? This will feed into your prototype presentation.
Show the activity and explain what informed your design decisions, by answering the following questions:
  • How did I go about exploring what I needed to do?
  • How did I design and develop my learning activity?
  • How did I formatively evaluate my prototype learning activity?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Theoretical framework

Participants seem to be a bit confused around the theoretical framework that they should use in their final presentation.

A theoretical framework will help you guide you in the design of your prototype, by linking your prototype to a larger body of research, refering back to previous studies done on similar projects.

For example Kristian is trying to encourage reflection on pre-course readings using blogs, so his theoretical framework will link to the importance of reflection in students and maybe level of reflections.

An interesting article for him could be (for example):

Strampel, K., & Oliver, R. (2008). We ’ ve thrown away the pens , but are they learning ? Using blogs in higher education. Ascilite2008 Melbourne (pp. 991-1001).

Aatika is looking at peer instruction, so a starting point for her research would be: 

Crouch, C. H., & Mazur, E. (2001). Peer instruction: ten years of experience and results. American Journal of Physics, 69, 970-977.

Mazur, E. (1997). Peer instruction: a user’s manual. N.J.: Prentice Hall.

If you are interested in peer review, such as Phadlie have a look at: 

Walker, R., & Barwell, G. (2009). Click or clique? Using educational technology to address students’ anxieties about peer evaluation. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 3(1). Retrieved from

From a different angle, this Andersen article  will help you frame at what stage of the elarning process your interaction is situated. And just give you a way to talk about it in relation to the rest of the teaching you are doing.

Two of the theoretical frameworks that have become quite popular around the use of emerging technologies is Connectivism and Authentic Learning

Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism - A learning theory for the digital age.

Lombardi, M. M., & Oblinger, D. G. (2007). Authentic Learning for the 21st Century : An Overview. EducauseLearningInitiative.

If you have some interesting resources that you would like to share, post a comment!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Week 5 of course

Dear all,
We are nearly done! 2 more weeks to go...

This week you will be continuing to work on your prototypes, planning formative feedback and hopefully engaging a bit more with theoretical frameworks and other important details for your presentation :)

This week's reflection (reflection 3) focuses on the feedback your received on your prototype and how it impacted on the design of your prototype, either during last week's online session, as a comment by the facilitators on your reflections or any other formative feedback that you have set up from colleagues or your students. You will present this during the online session. If you havent done so, please book your online session on the doodle

We can also address any other open questions that you might have concerning your prototype.

Good luck!

The CHECET team

Friday, May 25, 2012

Reflection 3: formative feedback

This reflection will focus on the feedback you received during the last Adobe Connect session on your initial thoughts of the prototype you want to develop. Was it useful? Any changes, improvements you are going to implement based on the feedback?
Furthermore you will need to start organizing some form of formative feedback on your prototype from colleagues or your students. How will you go about it?
Deadline30th of May 2012. You will present on this during the online session.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Week 4...

Half of the course gone, time is passing by quickly! And the most exciting part of the course is starting: the development of your own prototype. We hope you got lot of good ideas from the show and tell sessions last week and are busy designing your own teaching intervention.

Activities for this week include

- Reflection 2, which is due on Wednesday, the 23rd of May. In this reflection you have started to design your own prototype answering initital questions: what pedagogical problem would you like to address? what technology have you selected? why?

-  You can present your initial ideas to get feedback in the online session on the 23rd of May. Please put down your name on our doodle to book your time slot! Link to doodle:

If you are still experiencing problems posting on the blog, please create your own blog. Welcome to the world of blogging Kristian, Najwa, Juliana, Simone! JP posted a very nice introductory tutorial on blogger in our Facebook group. Alternatively you could post your reflections into the Facebook group, to get feedback.

You will receive feedback on your reflection 1 by Wednesday, either as a comment on your own blog entry, a reply to your comments on the CHECET blog or in the Facebook group, for those whose comments were not posted on the blog. You will be marked on your written reflections, not on your presentations in the Adobe Connect sessions. You can find the rubrics we are using for marking in the course outline.

Good luck!

The CHECET team

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Reflection 2

Dear all, It's time for our next reflection. Task 2 and reflection 2: Initial proof of concept

Prepare a preliminary piece on the intervention that you intend to present in your final session. Post this initial proof of concept on the blog.

What learning problem have you decided to address? What activity have you decided to develop? What tool have you selected and why? What are the affordances of this tool? How well do the affordances of this tool match your learning needs and the learning needs of your students.

In your final presentation on June 6th you will need to include the following:

Theoretical departure points of the research or teaching approach, Contexts in which it has been applied, Description of the context and modules in which you may apply the pedagogic intervention, How you may apply it in your own modules, What do you think the challenges may be in applying this approach in your own module?

So you could start reflecting on these topic ....

You will present your initial ideas on your prototype on 23 May 2012 in the online session using Adobe Connect. To select the slot you want to present in, please add your name to the doodle:

You can post your reflection by repyling to this post or start your own blog, as some you have already done! Ther is a short video posted on the Facebook group on how to create a blogger blog.